Web Based Anti-Counterfeit System

A company likes to protect their customers from possible fake products being distributed by unauthorized individuals or other companies in the region. So the company has considered implementing an anti-counterfeit system that will allow their customers to verify the authenticity of what they purchased. So the customers will be safe from the damaged fake products. So the company is implementing a web based “product authentication system” or “anti-counterfeit system” accessible to end users of the product they are purchasing.


The web based Anti-Counterfeit System has three major components:

1) Unique Identification Code (UIC) Engine

This is a unit for generating unique identification codes (UIC) made of combination of letters in uppercase or lowercase, and numbers. These codes will be used for identifying each unit of sale and is also called anti counterfeit codes. The UIC will be highly randomized and unpredictable. Only the system is qualified to generate unique numbers every time. The format of the UIC is ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD. The UIC engine must have the function to export a list of UIC’s generated to send later to the printing press to create the stickers/labels. UIC’s are generated in patches with specific product for each patch. The system can filter UIC by status (verified/not verified), the product assigned to, or date of generating.

2) User Interface

This is a website with public access. The customers can enter in the UIC from the product they purchased and instantly verify if the product they purchased is from the original suppliers (ie, product name). If original, the system will display a message saying the unit the customer purchased is original and is supplied by Company Name. If the UIC entered does not match with a UIC issued by the UIC engine, the customer will be given a clear message / warning and the system will collect contact information of the customer. The collected data will update the system and the system will also generate email addressing the administrator and alerting them about the issue.

3) Administration Interface

This is a backend website for the admin and authorized users with the following features:

  • Displaying counterfeit reports for follow up.
  • Updating follow up details / status to the system. Each case will be tracked until it is closed. (Manually handled in the system)
  • UIC Analysis: Rarely people try to cheat with verification process. They may wrongly report counterfeit product even after verifying it successfully. The system will help the administration to monitor such cases. This facility will avoid unwanted workload to the follow up team. Generally these cases will be closed with one telephone call.
  • Multiple UIC Verification: An individual or counterfeiting company may buy the original product from the company then copy the UIC to many fake units. The system will identify UIC that has been entered multiple times in the verification system, and warn the customer that this product is fake.
  • Handling UIC Batches: This is an authentication process for issue of UIC. This batch number will be available in the reporting of a counterfeit item.
  • UIC downloading: Enabling downloading of UIC from the system. The downloaded format is text, csv, xcl, or other format used by printing press.
  • Usage analysis: This is a group analytics process to understand the verification trend over a period of time.
  • Change the basic settings like system title, system logo, company name, company logo, company phone number, and SEO meta tags.