To test the Anti-Counterfeit system, you will need to generate Unique Identification Codes (UIC) in the back end and enter them in the front end. Follow the step by step guide below.
Uniq Identification Code (UIC) is a 16 characters code that is generated by the system. The admin exports the list of UICs generated and sends them to a printing press to print anti-counterfeit labels or Stickers with UICs on them (usually hidden with a scratch to reveal). The business later sticks the labels/stickers on the product that requires protection from counterfeiting or duplicating. Each product will have its unique UIC and customers can verify if the product is genuine by entering the UIC at the front end of the system.
One of the great features of the system is that it logs successful and unsuccessful verification trials made on the front end. Logging successful verifications will mark the UIC as “verified” and any later verification trials using the same UIC will alert the customer that the product is fake. This will prevent a counterfeiter from copying a UIC from a genuine product to fake products. So each UIC will have one successful verification trial only.
Logging unsuccessful verification trials will allow the system to contact the customer to offer him/her the genuine product. Or to track the person or business which sold him/her the fake product.
Generate UICs
- Go to And login using the below.
- Email:
- Password: demo
- Click on UIC from the left side menu. You will see a list of UICs generated from other visitors testing the system (ignore them).
- Click on Generate UIC button in the top left.
- Enter the product, brand, or company (in each language) you want to protect from counterfeiting or duplicating. You can configure the characters format used in the UICs to generate. Please note that the demo site is limited to generate 5 UICs only. You can generate thousands of UIC in the production system depending on your server specification. Note that the system will assign a Set Number for every UICs patch generated. This will allow you to edit/delete the UICs generated later if required.
- Click on UIC from the left side menu again. Filter the UICs by the Set number or the product name you entered in the previous step. You should see five UICs in the list.
Test Generated UICs
- Go to
- Enter the details in the form (Name, Phone, Email).
- In the product code field, paste one of the UIC you generated in the previous step. And enter the captcha (case sensitive).
- You should receive a message that the product is genuine with the product name (first verification trial).
- Try the verification process using the same UIC, and you will receive a message that the UIC has been entered once and the product is probably fake.
- Enter a UIC that is not from the list of UICs you generated (enter a random 16 characters), and you will receive a message that the product is probably fake.
Testing other Features
- Go to And login using the below.
- Email:
- Password: demo
- Click on the tabs on the left side menu to see the other intuitive features of the anti-counterfeit system.
- In Reports Tab, you can see a list of unsuccessful verification trials. By default, the status of each trial is Pending. You can update to Processing or Solved depending on the settlement with the customer.